I believe I have enough functionality in my 6502 system now to take a run at developing a retro-style game. So far, I have built support for:
PS/2 keyboard input
USB mouse input
Joystick input
Audio output
VGA output

I've never developed a game (much less on a 6502), so this will be interesting. I've just started experimenting with sprites.
So much to learn...
This is so awesome, and the speed with which you put it together is impressive. Looks like you've got enough to start gaming!
I'm particularly interested in your USB mouse setup, and the audio output. I haven't given any thought at all to audio since I found that nobody makes FM synthesizer chips anymore :/, but the reality is, I only need a few, so I guess ebay it is. The biggest problem there is even back in the day, when I was sitting in front of one of these machines, I never produced any sounds through one of those chips that I'd want anyone to hear...